Thursday 20 October 2011

Model Based Animation

PSA#2 "Fish Dinner" from Reckless Zen on Vimeo.

Model based animation is objects used to make it look as though it was moving in real life by images been taken from every movement.

Cels animation example

Employee of the Month from Spongebob Squarepants on Vimeo.

Cels animation is made by drawings either by computer or hand and it is re-done over and over to create a video to make the drawing look as though its real and moving (known as a cartoon).

pixilation example

Food about you from Alexandre DUBOSC on Vimeo.


Untitled from steph hague on Vimeo.

This video is a form of animation that was made by using still images.

Thursday 13 October 2011

today in stop motion animation

Today I had to work in a team to create a video that looked as though a person in the group was moving very fast, but really they where moving slow, this is called Pixilation.

Cut out animation

Untitled from steph hague on Vimeo.

I worked with chelsea, Steph and Demi on this task. We had to create a video of cut out animation. We done this by cutting out images from magazines and making them move by a hand every movement was taken by a camera and then the images where played like a video and it looked as though the images were moving together.

Thursday 29 September 2011

Today in stop motion animation we: looked at different cut-out animations, then posted a video of one on our blogger and described where we got that video from and then we looked at what we could cut out in magazines to make our own cut-out animation video.
Cut Out Animation

i found this cut out animation video on vimeo website.

Celebrate from Bide Cui on Vimeo.

Thursday 22 September 2011

time lapse

Phoenix to LA in 10 Seconds from Mike Matas on Vimeo.

Time lapse is when a camera is set in a still position, and triggered to go off in regular intervals, and when you play it as a full video it looks though it has been voided over time, when really it was done by taking pictures, that is why it is called a time lapse.

The video contains travel images that where been done over time from phoenix to la by car.

Thursday 15 September 2011

Persistence of vision

What is persistence of vision?
persistence of vision is basically a image that moves so many times it tricks the mind into thinking its real and its actually moving, but really its not. the human eye always retains images for a fraction of a second ( around 0.04 second), this means that its self-believe that the image is actually real and moving. the brain assumes that movement between two static images when shown as a fast video.